Classical Korean Studies
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Classical Korean Studies 7
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[CKS-7호 1] Articles_The Evolution and Transmission Patterns of Korean Meok(Ink)_Lee Byoung-hoon.pdf
[CKS-7호 2] Articles_A Study of the 15th-Century Documents Issued in the King’s Name, Housed in the Korean Studies Institute_Park Sungho.pdf
[CKS-7호 3] Articles_Suunjapbang and Eumsik-dimibang, Recipes Made with Love_Yi Inbok.pdf
[CKS-7호 4] Articles_Villages and their Fraternities (Donggye) in Pre-modern Korea Principles of Reciprocity and Cooperation_Jung Su-hwan.pdf
[CKS-7호 5] Articles_The Significance of National Debt Redemption Movement the Value of the Archives_Chang Kyungho.pdf
[CKS-7호 6] Book Review_Right Now, Wrong then_Lee Jungchul.pdf
cks 7호 표지.jpg
[CKS-7호 1] Articles_The Evolution and Transmission Patterns of Korean Meok(Ink)_Lee Byoung-hoon.pdf
Classical Korean Studies 6
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Cover & Table of Contents [Vol.6].jpg
[CKS-6호 ①] Articles_Formation and Regional Development of Gugok Culture in the Joseon Dynasty_Jo Yuyoung.pdf
[CKS-6호 ②] Articles2_The Value of the Nongam Head House's Aeildang gugyeongcheop_Kwon Jungeun.pdf
[CKS-6호 ③] Articles3_The Joseon Dynasty's Pil-gi Literary Tradition and Jo Bo-yang's Goldongrok_Han Euisoong.pdf
[CKS-6호 ④] Articles4_The Death and Its Perception of Sadaebu in the Joseon Dynasty(Focusing on Yuseo, the Collection of The Korean Studies Institute)_Lee Hongshik.pdf
[CKS-6호 ⑤] Book Reviews1_Book Review-Inheritance Culture and Family System in the middle of the Joseon Dynasty in Records of Division of Property_Lee Okboo.pdf
[CKS-6호 ⑥] Book Reviews2_Book Review of Hawaillok(Joseon Viewed through the Window of Hawaillok)_Kim Jeongun.pdf
Cover & Table of Contents [Vol.6].jpg